Read on for some key pieces of pre-wedding advice & keep your head in check
There are countless things you could forget or neglect in the lead up to or on your wedding day. From the practical to the psychological, in this post we're sharing some essential wedding advice that should help common stresses, or solve any oversights couples often experience in the lead up to their big day.

When in the whirlwind of wedding planning, it can be easy to lose your head and forget some of the most important things. Things that can make or break your celebration, and help keep your head when you need it most.
Today, we thought we'd list some of the most significant things you should consider ahead of the big day and how to cope with them. One resounding theme runs throughout our wedding advice: the more you panic or worry about something, the less you'll enjoy the whole experience! So plan ahead, to avoid any excess anxiety.

Keep a Light Perspective
Hang on to your sense of humour. If you're struggling to see the funny side of things in the lead up to your wedding. Watch Bridesmaids, My Big Fat Greek Wedding or Mamma Mia and hopefully, you'll see the sillinesses in the pre-wedding madness.
Remind yourself to not take things so seriously. At the end of the day, you're getting married to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with – everything else is secondary.
Look After Your Pre-Wedding Lifestyle
If you would like to look your best on the day, it's worth considering what you eat and drink in the lead up to it. Avoiding alcohol, drinking plenty of water and eating lots of antioxidant-rich foods, for example, will work wonders for your skin.
Certain skincare regimes can also produce brilliant results if you want a more immediate glow, and a bit of therapeutic pampering before the big day.
Sleep is another crucial contributor to looking and feeling your best. Try to get a good night's sleep the night before your wedding, which, we know, is easier said than done! But if you're prone to anxiety, and know the night before will be an issue, look into meditation techniques ahead of time. This will not only help you sleep, but also aid in keeping a calm head throughout the planning process.

Strive For Body Confidence
There are so many ways to gift yourself more confidence in your body on the big day. If you've decided you'd like to lose weight, or trim up certain areas, then we would recommend finding an exercise, or exercise class that you actually enjoy.
Even if you don't lose weight, exercise boosts happy hormones like serotonin. Which when planning a wedding should be reason enough to do it, especially if you're prone to stress. Nothing crazy, just get your heart rate up, and you'll be amazed at how you feel.

Find the Perfect Underwear
Don’t buy underwear for your wedding too far in advance. When dieting, or exercising in the lead up to a wedding, women's breasts are often the first things to change size. Whether they gain or lose weight. Therefore, it's worth holding off buying your lingerie until you reach your fittings.
If you haven't bought your wedding gown yet, you shouldn't even be thinking about what will go underneath it. As the style of your dress, its cut and fabric will all affect the underwear you can choose.

Consider Your Bridal Look & Beauty Choices
As clichéd as it sounds, you should look the best version of yourself on your wedding day – not someone else. Ask any bridal stylist, boutique owner or designer, and they'll tell you to wear an outfit on your big day that makes you look and feel fabulous. And to not wear something that just isn't you.
Don't wear something that'll make a family member happy, especially if it's a look, or style you really don't love. We're always surprised by how many brides either select or reject a dress just because mum does or doesn't like it. She's not wearing it!
Likewise, if your hair and make-up artist is getting too creative for your liking, or using too many products, tell them. Don't seethe in silence and regret not saying anything every time you look at the pictures.
Your partner expects to marry the woman he or she got down on one knee and proposed to. Not some stranger created for your wedding day.

Be Mindful, But Don't Over Worry About Your Guests
Don't succumb to projected social anxiety (overly worrying that your guests feel awkward or uncomfortable) on your wedding day. While you should be mindful of what guests care about, or dislike, it's not your job to manage every interaction.
You cannot guarantee everyone will enjoy themselves on the day, that's completely out of your control. All that counts is that you and your partner are happy.

Keep a Solid Support Network
You should ensure that everyone who helped you organise the day knows how grateful you are. There's a reason why friendships suffer during wedding planning, and it's because it can be hard work for friends and family, too.
Loved ones will invest their time and money into your day, and they deserve your gratitude as reward. Even if you believe something should be expected of your maid of honour, bridesmaids, or mother-in-law – they actually didn't have to do it.
These days, it's easy to find bridesmaid gift ideas, but sometimes all you need to give is time. Take the ones you love out for a drink, maybe some dinner, and thank them properly the love they showed you leading up to the big day.

Keep Hold of that Post-Wedding Glow
It's likely you'll feel different once you’re married. Newly married brides often say that, even when they hadn't expected to before the big day. Being married can have a positive psychological, emotional and practical impact on couples. Offering them so much more meaning to their nuptials than just a bit of paper!
Keeping happy and healthy in body and mind is absolutely key when planning a wedding. Do this, and you'll be the best damn bride ever!