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How to Store Your Wedding Dress if Your Big Day Has Been Postponed

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

Make sure your gown looks as good as new, ready for the big day by preserving it properly. We have some top tips to help you store your wedding dress in the best way.

Photo by Katy Duclos

Postponing your wedding can take a huge emotional toll on a couple; you’ll have a lot of feelings to process after you’ve spent months and months building up to your big day.

While you take the time to come to terms with the disappointment of postponing your wedding, you need to think quickly about how to store your wedding dress so that it stays in the best possible condition. Because your big day will come, and it’s important to remember that it will be amazing when it does.

How to Store Your Wedding Dress

Not everyone will have collected their wedding dress pre-lockdown, but some brides will have done. It’s crucial you know how to store your wedding dress so that the fabric and embellishments don’t get damaged or have the colour fade.

We’ve rounded up our top tips for how to store your wedding dress. So grab a cuppa, have a read and thank us in a few months time when your wedding dress still looks fresh as a daisy.

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Follow the Advice of your Boutique or Designer

We've put lots of tips below, but the best people to ask about care for your particular dress is your boutique or bridal designer. They'll have knowledge of your individual dress; the fabrics and embellishment, the garment bag you were given, and how the dress hangs over time. So make them your first port of call if you have any questions. If you chose your wedding dress from Confetti & Curves please feel free to get in touch and we can guide you in how to store your wedding dress.

Store your Gown Somewhere Cool, Dry & Dark

As with the dried goods in your kitchen, a wedding dress is at its happiest in a cool, dry and dark place. Keep your dress away from direct sunlight and don't store it with anything musty or dirty, as odours may transfer...

Remove any plastic covering from around your dress - tissue paper is better if you need to protect beading, and when it comes to a garment bag, breathable is best. It's also wise to add some silica gel packs to absorb any moisture. If your dress needs to be stored for longer than eight months, invest in a breathable storage box with acid free tissue.

Hang your Wedding Dress Correctly

Long term hanging could damage your dress, particularly if it's heavy. Don't hang it by the straps or shoulders, instead, use the hanging ribbons that should be inside. Make sure the weight is evenly distributed.

Don't use a cheap, lightweight hanger or one made of wire. You most likely got a good quality hanger with your wedding dress, so use that or look for one that's strong and well-padded. Make sure the dress has plenty of space around it in the wardrobe - if it's crammed in, it will only get creased and potentially damaged.

Consider lying your dress flat if possible. If your dress is cut on the bias or has beading on the skirt please fold your dress in its dress bag and lay it down flat. Keep in mind how long or voluminous your dress is, it may get crumpled if it's left in the bag for too long, it might be wiser to leave it flat, or you may need to take it out of a garment bag to let it hang fully or take it out on occasion to puff it out. Its always nice to have a gaze at your beautiful gown anyway!

how to store your wedding dress

Keep Your Wedding Dress Out of Sight

While you might be tempted to look at your dress on the daily (and maybe even try it on), try to resist the urge! If you have a long lead up to your wedding, the last thing you want is to become tired of the dress you've chosen or start to second guess it.

Likewise, every time you handle the dress, you risk getting marks on it (always make sure you have clean, dry hands when you do, and maybe even wear white gloves).

It's also wise to keep your dress away from anywhere young children or animals might be able to access it, and out of site of house guests (when we have those again!) who might be tempted to take a peek!

Shoes, Jewellery & Hair Accessories

Shoes and jewellery are best stored in their original boxes, with any necessary padding around them - again remove any plastic. Make sure they are somewhere safe, moisture-free, and that you note where you left them - you don't want a mad panic trying to find your wedding earrings in 6 months time!

How to Store Your Wedding Veil

Veils can be hung or folded (you may need to steam it with the latter), but to avoid it getting snagged or damaged, keep it in a breathable garment bag, or wrapped in tissue. Again, keep it out of direct sunlight, and use some silica gel packs to keep it moisture-free during storage.

Taking your Pieces Out of Storage

It's a good idea to take everything out about two months before your wedding for a quick dress rehearsal - that will give you time to make swaps, fixes or alterations if required. Weight fluctuations are perfectly normal (especially during lockdown...), so try not to stress out if your dress is a little loose or tight, take it to a reputable alterations service. Make sure you try on your shoes and lingerie too, just in case and check any buttons, zips or clasps are still working.

You may want to freshen up the fabrics, so look into having your dress professionally steamed, or hiring your own steamer to DIY at home.

Once again, if you have any questions about how to store your wedding dress from Confetti & Curves please do get in touch with us anytime.

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